
Features & Benefits of our Payroll Solutions

Our payroll service can handle your monthly or weekly payroll economically and efficiently.

When thinking about outsourcing your payroll, it is essential to consider the depth of payroll experience any potential company can provide. We do not work on a ‘one size fits all’ approach and provide a flexible and client driven approach to payroll.

Because we handle the payroll process, you have no concerns about PC corruption, data protection or staff seeing information they shouldn’t.

Our flexible, tailored, complete business payroll packages do exactly what you need them to. For example, as well as all basic payroll functions, we can calculate and file all quarterly and annual taxes.

Employees can view payslips electronically, offering greater convenience, reducing the need to produce duplicates and saving print and distribution costs.

Quality, sealed payslips can be provided as part of the package.

We will keep you up to date with all legislative changes, take away the burden and reduce your risk of fines and other problems.

Our commitment to look after everything for you on an ongoing basis means there are no high initial software purchase or regular software upgrade costs involved. All functionality is covered in your monthly costs, which also makes it easier to plan your budgets.

Here are just some of the benefits on why you should consider outsourcing your payroll:

  • Cost saving
  • No set-up charge
  • No extra charge for amendments/ starters/leavers
  • More time to focus on your business
  • Flexibility
  • Risk reduction
  • Friendly advice